'I felt overwhelmed by the uncertainty of what I had. I wasn't the same person anymore. I was living in some kind of horrific perpetual dream state yet somehow still able to interact without anyone knowing. Just going through motions automatic.' These are the thoughts of Hudson, a character of the film Numb (2007), in the context of a neurological condition called 'Depersonalisation'. However it is strange that I also relate to it after doing 5 years of Philosophy in the best years of my life. The same description can be understood in the light of what DJ had to say in Rang De Basanti, where student life at Delhi University provides that Dream state, still being very real in so far as the security of the illusion was concerned. HE said, 'gate ke is paar hum zindagi ko nachate hai, gate ke us paar zindagi hame nachati hai. ' This in effect means that when exam time is over, fun time is over. This seems strange because
the pressure gets over after examination. Perhaps it does, perhaps it doesn't. It just gets added on. Because one has to start afresh. Move to new things, new chapters, new people. And somewhere we are not ready yet. The path to move on, is a progressive path, more often than ever. There should be no sense of leaving anything behind. Only, honestly, there is. And that is when change becomes the hardest enemy as nostalgias are recollected as times one had and times to treasure when some days before when one took minor baby step leading to this big change, those times seem as important and yet as frivolous(for some) as a good meal one had for dinner, or a regular relaxing weekend in which one lazy out with friends and family. All of a sudden, one realizes the importance of those moments which at a point of time seem to be taken for granted. That the path is progressive, is what our friends and family and well wishers tell us. Even though there is no feeling better to resist the change, to stop, to relax, to take a vacation, from the uncertainty into the recurring mundane routine one has before this big change where the priorities change, and one has to move on. And I guess that is best explained by Chuckie to Will in the film Good Will Hunting, where Will has the opportunity to make a good life, have a future, at the cost of moving from his old house, his friends. The conversation is something like this: 'Chuckie: It's a way outta here. Will: What do I want a way out for? I want to live here the rest of my life. I want to be your next door neighbour. I want to take out kids to little league together up Foley Field.


CHUCKIE: Let me tell you what I do know. Every day I come by to pick you up, and we go out drinkin' or whatever and we have a few laughs. But you know what the best part of my day is? The ten seconds before I knock on the door 'cause I let myself think I might get here, and you'd be gone. I'd knock on the door and you wouldn't be there.You just left.'
s conversation between friends, SAYS A LOT. Even though it involves a dead threat if you will, it says that our friends, our family, our well wishers want us to move on to that uncertain path as well.
No one knows what happens in the future, but the only way to find out is, to step into it. And it is not even optional not to. So we move on. So we move ahead.
The Character of Meg Ryan from You've Got Mail, puts it bluntly: 'People are always telling you that change is a good thing, but all they are really telling you is something you didn't want to happen at all has happened.'
In spite of a background in Philosophy I'll like to share Hudson's (Mathew Perry's) life view from the film Numb (2007) which puts two very simple thoughts together. i.e.
1. I just want to be a happy person with happy thoughts.
2. We are all a simple action away from complete disaster.
If life is premised on these two points, and the uncertainty of what the future presents, and the non optional change one is forced to inhere with, with a hope and optimism of our friends and family to walk blindfolded on razor's edge with a smile and a confidence....then one is, also at the same time internally balancing the negative thoughts of making mistakes, of goofing up, in decisions and actions, in the face of hopeless helplessness.
In the light of these thoughts, another narrative comes to mind.
'Don't wonder why people go crazy. Wonder why they don't. In the face of all we can lose in a day, in an instance, wonder what the hell it is, that makes us hold it together.'
This is from Grey's Anatomy, Season 4 Episode 15, entitled Losing my mind.
I would like to call this Blog 'Knowing Endevours' someday, trying to know at the background of everything, what keeps us sane despite this uncertainty. My endevour, my attempt is to know what prevents us from losing our minds in the process of knowing, just knowing life, ourselves, and the world around us, whatever that means.

No one knows what happens in the future, but the only way to find out is, to step into it. And it is not even optional not to. So we move on. So we move ahead.
The Character of Meg Ryan from You've Got Mail, puts it bluntly: 'People are always telling you that change is a good thing, but all they are really telling you is something you didn't want to happen at all has happened.'
In spite of a background in Philosophy I'll like to share Hudson's (Mathew Perry's) life view from the film Numb (2007) which puts two very simple thoughts together. i.e.
1. I just want to be a happy person with happy thoughts.
2. We are all a simple action away from complete disaster.
If life is premised on these two points, and the uncertainty of what the future presents, and the non optional change one is forced to inhere with, with a hope and optimism of our friends and family to walk blindfolded on razor's edge with a smile and a confidence....then one is, also at the same time internally balancing the negative thoughts of making mistakes, of goofing up, in decisions and actions, in the face of hopeless helplessness.
In the light of these thoughts, another narrative comes to mind.
'Don't wonder why people go crazy. Wonder why they don't. In the face of all we can lose in a day, in an instance, wonder what the hell it is, that makes us hold it together.'
This is from Grey's Anatomy, Season 4 Episode 15, entitled Losing my mind.
I would like to call this Blog 'Knowing Endevours' someday, trying to know at the background of everything, what keeps us sane despite this uncertainty. My endevour, my attempt is to know what prevents us from losing our minds in the process of knowing, just knowing life, ourselves, and the world around us, whatever that means.
ok garima, i know you really relate to this song. so here are the lyrics which inspired you so much........
The Call by Regina Spektor (Prince Caspian OST)....
It started out as a feeling
Which then grew into a hope
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet word
And then that word grew louder and louder
'Til it was a battle cry
I'll come back
When you call me
No need to say goodbye
Just because everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's never
Been this way before
All you can do is try to know
Who your friends are
As you head off to the war
Pick a star on the dark horizon
And follow the light
You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye
You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye
Now we're back to the beginning
It's just a feeling and now one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you have to forget
Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
'Til they're before your eyes
You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say good bye
You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say good bye
ya...i guess it would have been nice to have a gaurentee that things will be fine in one's life. however, for me, its the confusion about what the next step should be, rather than the impending change which drives me crazy
Firstly, thanks for the lyrics.
Secondly, try to buy my logic here. While it would have been nice to have a guarantee that things would be nice in one's life, lets take 'Hope' to be that guarantee.
Lets prepare for the worst and hope for the best. If that becomes our premise of life, an assumption on which we base everything we do, then the confusion about the next step would get resolved...internally...hopefully.
Now that is a naive argument, it is a argument nevertheless.
Of course the fallacy here is that the conclusion will be contained in the premise and in the logic world that's not allowed, but it fits in the way life is structured, there are no conclusions in life after all. Every premise becomes a conclusion because we live it.
One may say then that my logic won't apply in the first place, maybe it won't, but I would like to believe that logic does go, but only so far.
An even lets say it won't, (hypothetically) would it be so bad if things work that way!
Moreover if life is premised on hope, then even to refute my argument, the form of it, the least one can do is give hope a chance. Lets give hope a chance.
Forget the crazy logic, on a more subjective note, on a more real note, based on personalities, this is my reply:
while that confusion is always there, the next step, I know for sure, that whatever step you do take WILL be correct. I can bet on it.
I was thinking the other day, we don't really change as people, even when we supposedly grow up, and when I say WE I mean WE, us crazy lot, (or me crazy, you sane). So any changes will just get added on to lets say the number of movies we have seen without really changing our taste for movies or food, etc. And as far as we resist that, that kind of change which makes people altogether different people, whatever be the excuse in life, thats an achievement in itself.
Well when I say that we don't really change as people while other people change, whatever may be their excuse in life, maybe some people change for the betterment perhaps...and maybe there is no excuse but sometimes it might be necessary to change like that.
That’s no value judgment there, or a philosophical prejudice about that kind of change of persons, maybe its a good thing to change as people also, I don't know precisely because I won't know. I don't have a first person account....which is to say I won't know what it is to be a bat, for instance. (coz I've never been a bat).
I am just saying that we haven't and that much is good for us, (subjectively).
Back to the point, the confusion of the next step will always be there, but your rationality will help you not to resist taking that step nonetheless and considering our identities won't really change, they haven't really, we are the better versions of ourselves over these years.....with microsoft updates and window98 to Windows XP etc if lets say we were our computer systems.With everything, solitaire is still there on our PC and thats my point.Based on that analogy, any step you take ever, it won't affect YOU too much. And with you, I can bet on the next step would be the correct step.
There can be no regrets once the decision is made, because we have to face the consequences, and that is also the plus point of making a decision, being comfortable enough to face owe it, and face whatever what life brings on, with not regrets.
Our decisions after all are like babies, we bring them up, not tell them they are ugly. While philosophy might tell me that well that is true in fact, lets bring that up anyways, CD will tell stop you from saying it, or maybe you wont say that altogether and make them beautiful. I whine and you do not. Woman, you take charge and you tackle it, give it a 100% loyalty. You might not see it, I do and I admire that.
Moreover, more often than ever I would like to believe we or atleast you make good decisions. There is a history there, of good decision making.
If you can make good decisions in a small system, you can make good decisions in a big system. Thats a fractured version of Morgan's law. And there is a history of good small decisions, the big one will follow too. :)
i'm really flattered by the confidence u show in me. coz even i dont believe in myself so much. my life would actually be much easier if i had better self esteem. so believe me, i'm very gratefull to hav a friend like u.
but on more philosophical terms, what u are actually talking abt is not hope, but faith. because hope is not at all illogical...its basic human nature. faith on the other hand is usually illogical and does not need proof. so ur answer to this confusion i had reffered ro earlier, is not hope...but faith. faith in....faith in what? myself? crap...i suck at that
well I guess hope in the world around you and faith in oneself. hope that the changing world will find a place for us....points towards a predetermined forces of the world like space and time, while faith in a person is what keeps free will alive.
there is a gazal by jagjit singh. sad Romantic actually...Shyam se aakh mein nami si hai, aaj phir aap ki kami si hai. but it makes some good points.....
Waqt rehta nahi kahin tik kar, iski aadat bhi aadmi si hai.
Time doesn't wait for anyone. It’s just like man. Time moves on and we must move on too. The hope is that everything in time will work to our favour, but the faith in ourselves is not a blind faith in that hope about the world working things out for us, but a faith in ourselves.
The two things work together like the earth, which both rotates on its own accord at its axis or in its little orbit, whatever as well as resolves around the sun and free will of the earth or the twirls earth take results in a different day, new day each day, a new opportunity and the revolution, of planets around the sun in an ordered manner which prevents the disasters as mentioned in science fiction movies, is the kind of hope in the powers of the universe. So that is hope and faith...I guess like rotation and revolution, there is no point of adding on days if the year never changes, if you know what i mean. But the fact it does. there are leap years too but there are years. And that’s an optimistic thought!!
On the other hand there is this other thought which I really like from the same gazal, it is the inspirational behind the drowning analogy of philosophy being consuming and being consumed..a willfulness in doing that...
caution, it is not meant for you, it is one of those dark thoughts I think at times.
dafna kardo hame ke saas mile, nabza(nerves) kuch der se thami si hai.
I want to be buried in a grave so that some that I can still breathe . my nerves have stopped for quite some time now.
My world has been quite stationary for sometime, quite some time now, in the cave of my own, I want to be buried so that I get some kicks, I want to be consumed in it and consume it...its depth, its darkness, its brilliance. More over, it is depth, it is darkness, it is brilliance, all in there in the face of that beautiful solace of looking towards the sun, swimming in the reflection of the water.
It’s sung by Jagjit singh but the lyrics are Gulzar. the line from the song, that is.
in fact i think hope is a little illogical because the controls are in something or someone else. Look at sentences:
i hope things are ok.... i hope you are well....i hope Delhi Devil wins...its external.
But faith is always in someone and requires action, there is a burden of responsibility there. Faith in you, in me, in God, in institutions like family, marriage, education, which again is only functional because of action done by people, on whom one can have that faith. faith is always in something, it commands action. Hope on the other hand is about this or that. About the external world with less control.
by the way I have complete faith in You and I hope that you get that faith in you as well, because your actions are all right. Like I said, the fractured Morgan's law. All your big life decisions will also be all right when you do have to make them.
spoken like a true optimist
from a non-philo background, after attempting to comprehend your thoughts, i hereby concluded that you are LINKIN PARK SONG!!
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